Microsoft 365 Conferences, Talks and Webinars
Microsoft 365 Conferences Speaking engagements between 2016-2024

- 25. Collab Days Hamburg: Verbessertes Vertrags, Qualitäts-und Dokumenten Management mit SharePoint und Shareflex (Session submitted)
- Bechtle MVP Week Münster
- 27-28: European Collaboration Summit Düsseldorf
- 6-7. M365 Summit: Session submitted
- 11. Global AI Bootcamp Berlin : 5 Different Shades of Copilot Agents: from SharePoint Agents to Azure AI Search
- MVP Summit Redmond
- KI Insights: Copilot Agents: Best Use Cases and Governance Best Practises
- 19: Guardians of M365 Governance: Essentials for SharePoint Intranet
- 18-19. SharePoint Summit: Verbessertes Vertrags-und Dokumenten Management mit SharePoint Premium und Shareflex
- 1. Global AI Bootcamp Hamburg: 5 Different Shades of Copilot Agents: From SharePoint Agents to Azure AI Search
- 24: Alex & Ragnar Show mit Nicole Wiske: Copilot Agents reloaded (SharePoint Agents & ServiceNow ITSM Agent)
- 22: Collab Days Bremen: Nachhaltigere Copilot Einführungen dank Microsoft Viva & Employee Experience
- 28: Teams Community Day Kassel:
– Governance für Microsoft 365 steigern und Tenant für Copilot bereit machen
– 10 Mythen zu Copilot Agents und Microsoft 365 Business Chat auflösen - 22: Teams Summit: Ganzheitliche Governance für Microsoft 365
- 21: Governance of M365 Governance: Microsoft 365 Governance as a Blueprint for AI Readiness
- 16: Weihnachtsspecial M365 Circle. Copilot für Microsoft 365 und optimierte Geschäftsprozesse in SharePoint: Better Together
- 12: HanseVision Webinar mit Haiilo: Interne Kommunikation neu gedacht: Erfolgsfaktor Intranet. Insights & Best Practises
- 10: Corporate Influencer Day at Deutsche Presse Akademie: Nachhaltige Kommunikation bei Bechtle mit Corporate Influencern durch Thought Leadership und Social Selling
- 05: HanseVision Webinar zu Microsoft Copilot, Agents und Copilot Studio: Schafft was!
- 03: Alex & Ragnar Show #120: Rückblick der Community Aktivitäten
- 20: Alex & Ragnar Show #119: Microsoft Ignite News zu Copilot, Agents und Copilot Studio
- 20: Guardians of M365 Governance about Munich Airport (Customer Success Story HanseVision + EasyLife365)
- 14: Microsoft AI Customer Experience Day München
- 4. Alex & Ragnar Show #118 über Workation auf Zypern
- 24. Microsoft AI Berlin incl Video bei Golem mit Zusammenfassung
- 24 Bechtle Microsoft Business Days: Employee Experience & Copilot and 2nd session about Customizing Copilots with Copilot Studio
- 21.-24: Microsoft Airlift (Global Online Conference): Challenges when unlocking Microsoft 365 Copilot: How Microsoft Viva can support
- 10.-11. Knowledge Camp 2024 (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement); Viva Learning & Copilot (incl Zensai Lern365 LMS)
- 9. Portal Systems Keynote at their Hamburg Partner Conference: Optimizing Business Processes with Copilot
- 25. Alex & Ragnar Show 117 vom M365 Summit in Mainz, Interview mit Gastgeber & CEO Christian Groß
- 24.-25: M365 Summit (M365 Circle), Mainz Germany: SharePoint News Update & Microsoft Viva Expert Circle Moderation
- 19: Heise Webinar: Governance und Copilot für M365: Ihr Schlüssel zu mehr Sicherheit und weniger Datenmüll
- 18: Metaverse One Conference (online): Ray Ban Meta AI: Real Life Scenarios & Logitech MX Ink Pen
- 18: Bechtle IT-Forum Mitteldeutschland Leipzig: Employee Experience mit Microsoft Viva: Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg bei der Einführung von Copilot für Microsoft 365
- 12: Zukunft Personal Konferenz Köln: Corporate Influencer Panel
- 9: Alex & Ragnar Show #116 mit Prof Dr Isabell Welpe: Auswirkung von KI auf Führung und Wandel von Organisationen
- 5. Modern Work Meetup Münster: Microsoft Viva / Employee Experience News & Launch Updates
31: Collab Days Hamburg: Copilot für M365: Sicherer und rechtskonformer Dank Purview und Governance
- 21. Guardians of M365 Governance: Microsoft 365 Maturity Model
1. Corporate Influencer Club: Social Selling und Thought Leadership bei Bechtle
- 31: Microsoft Germany: Copilot Show #1
- 10. Einfach Online Arbeiten Video Live Stream: Copilot for Microsoft 365 Best Practises
- 10. M365 einfach machen Power Week: Vereinfachen Sie Ihre Unternehmenskommunikation mit Microsoft Viva Amplify
- 2: HanseVision Webinar: Microsoft Viva and Copilot Use Cases
- 25. Infinity 365, Salzburg: Microsoft Viva and Copilot: Compliance, Security, Admin and Governance Best Practise
- 11.-12 AI Summit (M365 Circle): Content Creation & AI: Videos und Podcasts schneller und einfacher produzieren
- Tekki Gurus Guardians of M365 Governance with Erica Toelle, Microsoft
- 15.-16. European Collaboration Summit, Mainz
- 26. Alex & Ragnar Show with Encodian about SharePoint Document Conversion
- 18. AI Workshop Willingen (Copilot, Chat GPT, Video AI etc)
- 17. Guardians of Governance with MVP Susan Hanley and Christian Buckley about successful planning of Copilot Projects
- 21. Guardians of M365 Governance #3 about Microsoft Loop Governance with MVP Christoph Twiehaus
- 15. KI-Insights BarCamp No 3: Copilot Governance and Compliance Best Practises
- 14. Alex & Ragnar Show # 111 Loop Automatisierungen mit Power Automate
- 12-14. MVP Summit Redmond
- 9. LEAP 24 Conference, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
- 5. Webinar: Spring-clean your M365 environment
- 29. Alex & Ragnar Show #110 mit Dr. Sebastian Jonas mit der Showmaster App
- 24. Gott Digital: “Schneller und einfacher Videos erstellen und bearbeiten mit KI”
- 21. Teams Nation: “Microsoft Viva – Admin Best Practises to increase Security, Governance and Compliance of the Employee Experience Suite”
- 20. Guardians of M365 Governance with TekkiGurus and Raphael Köllner: Best Practices for Copilot and Purview Compliance
- 15. Alex & Ragnar Show # 109 Automatisiert Kundenfeedback einholen, verarbeiten, freigeben
- 14. Rencore & Capricorn Webinar: Digitaler Clean-up für Microsoft 365: Cloud-Effizienz, Collaboration & External User Management
- 8. Alex & Ragnar Show # 108 ISE 2024 und Microsoft Teams Device News
- 6. How much does Microsoft Copilot really cost? Everything you need to know about Copilot licensing in 2024
- 18. Alex & Ragnar Show # 107 “timeout” – Wie funktioniert smarte Zeiterfassung?
- 17. Guardians of M365 Governance Show #1 about Governance AI with MVPs Joanne Klein & David Drever
- 11. Heise Webinar: “Microsoft Viva Engage & Connections Deep Dive”
- 21. Alex & Ragnar Show #106 Jahresend-Spezial: Wie war 2023 in der Microsoft Community?
- 19. Enterprise Mobily Jahresrückblick 2023 mit Danijel Stanic, Samsung
- 15: lernOS Knowledge Jam: Microsoft 365 Copilot – First Hands on experiences
- 9: India Cloud Security Summit: How to winter-proof your Microsoft 365 Tenant
- 7. Alex & Ragnar Show #105 with about new major release
- 27.-30- European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference, Amsterdam (Rencore sponsoring)
- 23. Alex&Ragnar Show# 104 Anfragen? – Bitte nur vollständig! mit Mr Power Magic
- 12-17: Live 360, Orlando, FL (Rencore sponsoring)
- 16: aMS 365 Aachen, Germany: “Increase Security and Governance in your Copilot Experience”
- 10: Rencore Webinar “10 things to do before starting with Copilot in your organization”
- 9: Alex & Ragnar Show #103: Alex on Workation Tour in Cyprus
- 6. Communardo Webinar: “Health Check: Machen Sie Ihren M365 Tenant winterfest”
- 3. Foundation of new Swiss Microsoft Viva Community “Viva la Viva”. My session is about Viva Goals and Hubspot as well as Viva Amplify
- 13-14: South Coast Summit, Farnborough, England (Rencore sponsoring), Session “make your Microsoft 365 Tenant winterproof”
- 10.: IT-SA, Nuremberg, Germany (attendee only)
- 5: Alex&Ragnar # 102 Dokumente auf Abruf? Aber gern, automatisch! mit Mr Power Magic
- 26: Rencore Webinar: Unlock the Full Potential of Microsoft Loop: A Guide to Seamless Adoption, Collaboration, and Governance
- 25: Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Knowledge Camp: M365 Governance und Copilot / Chat GPT
- 22: KI-Insights Conference: Microsoft CoPilot and Chat GPT Use Cases for Microsoft 365 Governance
- 18-20: Experts Live Conference, Prag (Rencore sponsoring)
- Teamwork Digital Update 2023: Secure Modern Workplace – items GmbH & Co. KG ( Delivering Keynote about Hybrid Work Trends 2023 and Governance
- 14: Alex & Ragnar Show 101: Behind the scenes. What did we do in our summer break?
- 365 EDU CON Seattle: Rencore Sponsoring
- Rencore Webinar: 5 ways to perfectly balance collaboration and control
- Rencore Webinar: M365 Best Practices: How to Measure and Improve Productivity
- 26-28 Infinity 365 Conference, Salzburg
- 15: Alex & Ragnar Show 100: Reflecting 100 shows and planning the future
- 15: aMS Berlin
- 13. M365 Summit: Microsoft 365 CoPilot & OpenAI
- 13. EPOS IMPACT 1000 Headset Launch
- 13. Rencore Governance: Cooking the perfect formula for User Offboarding
- 2: Viva Explorers around the World: Using OpenAI and Chat GPT with Microsoft Viva Connections
- 1. Alex & Ragnar Show #99 with Mr Power Magic: HR offboarding with Power Platform
- 31. MS Build Conference Wrap up: CoPilot News
- 24. Alex & Ragnar Show #98: Reserving Meeting Rooms and Spaces with Seatti
- 22-24: European Collab Summit
- The Flow Consulting Experience Day (Brussels, Belgium): Spring Clean your Microsoft 365 Tenant with Rencore Governance
- 2.-4 M365 Conference, Las Vegas
- 20: Alex & Ragnar Show #96 live from MVP Summit Redmond: Viva Engage & CoPilot
- 06: Alex & Ragnar Show #95 Microsoft Loop & die neue Web- & Mobile App
- Alex & Ragnar Show #94 – Willkommen an Bord! – Onboarding mit Microsoft 365 – Microsoft 365
22. Samsung Mobile Business Summit, Schwalbach: Microsoft Hybrid Work Tour
- Teams Summit: Open AI Chat GPT3 Integration with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams
- 16. M365 und Teams Governance Day 2023, Stuttgart
- 09. Alex & Ragnar Show # 93 Open AI & Chat GPT mit Microsoft Teams, Power Automate,Power Apps, Edge/BING
- 27. Digitalkonferenz: B2B Social Selling bei Marketing Börse
- 22. Alex & Ragnar Show #92 – Wie fühlst Du Dich? Mit Power Platform Stimmung im Team sichtbar machen
- 16. Alex & Ragnar Show #91 Microsoft Teams Devices News at ISE Conference in Barcelona
- 26.-28. Teams Community Day: Leading Microsoft Viva Track and hosting location Kassel. Session “Microsoft Teams and Devices Update”
- 26. Alex & Ragnar Show #90 with Mr Power Magic about auto-delivery of documents with Power Automate
- 24.-25. M365 Circle / Teams Summit: “How can new Microsoft Teams Rooms Layout, Group Framing and People Splitting help to increase inclusion?”
- 12: Alex & Ragnar Show #89 about Microsoft 365 Diversity & Inclusion (Accessibility and Blindness) with CSM Franziska Sgoff
- 22. Alex & Ragnar Show #88 Jahresend Party 2022 with Microsoft 365 Community Event Leads
- 5. Webinar Microsoft Austria: M365 Compliance (Auto-Labeling, eDiscovery, Compliance Score)
- 24: Alex & Ragnar Show #87 : Power Platform Governance Solutions by Rencore
- European SharePoint, M365 and Azure Conference (Copenhagen): Quest Sponsoring
- 17. Alex & Ragnar Show #96 with Mr Power Magic about managing Microsoft 365 Updates with Power Automate
- 15. aMS Germany, Aachen: Protecting Microsoft Teams and SharePoint against CyberSecurity Threats with Microsoft Sentinel and Quest On Demand Audit
- 15. M365 Circle Teams Summit: Microsoft Viva Engage
- 10. Führen auf Distanz – So gelingt Remote Leadership. Microsoft Deutschland Webinar
- 8: Microsoft Viva Customer Connection Program: Microsoft Viva Sale Deep Dive with Dynamics 365 and Salesforce
- 3. Digital Forum Nordhessen: Microsoft 365: Updates zu Collaboration und Prozess Digitalisierung und Automatisierungen
- 27: Alex & Ragnar Show # 85 Trifft Microsoft die Bedürfnisse? Vorstellung Microsoft Viva Anwenderstudie
- 14: Introduction to Microsoft Viva Enage, Viva Sales and Viva Goals (North American Collab Summit)
- 13: Knowledge Camp (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement): Künstliche Intelligenz beim Teilen von Wissen sinnvoll nutzen: Meine 10 Tipps zu Transkriptionen und AI Writer
- 26-28: European Cloud Summit: Quest Sponsoring & Speaker Slot: Protect Hybrid Active Directory from cyber threads, track attacks and recover easily in case of disaster
- 20-21: Quest TEC Conference (Atlanta, Georgia): Protecting Microsoft Teams with Azure Sentinel against Cybersecurity Threats
- 15: Alex & Ragnar Show
- 13-14 Microsoft Teams Summit: Microsoft Viva Goals: Einführung & Adoption Change Management Tipps
- 15. Schweizer Security Round Table mit Quest Platform Management
- 14. Quest Event with Experts Inside in Zurich, Switzerland about Migrations to Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Viva plus Governance + Security Best Practises
- 10. M365 UK UserGroup (online): Protect Hybrid AD and Microsoft Teams and increase Cyber Resilience
- 21.07. Alex & Ragnar Show: OKR und Microsoft Viva Goals bei Phat Consulting
- 10.07. Microsoft Inspire Hamburg #MSInspire: Alex & Ragnar Show
- 07.07. CGI Know-How Day Frankfurt: Hybrides Active Directory vor Angriffen schützen, Attacken nachverfolgen und im Desaster Fall wiederherstellen
- 07.07. Alex & Ragnar Show: Mr Power Magic neuer Fall mit Power Automate
- 06.07. lernOS Convention: Microsoft Viva Learning + SharePoint Syntex Updates
- QSC Q-SYS Roadshows: Microsoft Teams Devices: State of the Art for Hybrid Work
- 27.9.: Infinity 365 (Vienna, Austria) : Microsoft Teams Geräte für hybrides Arbeiten: Der aktuelle Stand der Technik
- 23. nTeam Connect Summer Workshop (Berlin): Quest Sponsoring
- 9: Alex & Ragnar Show #78 with Céline Schillinger: Dare to Un-Lead
- 7:Manuell war gestern – Automatisierungen für bessere Abläufe in der internen Kommunikation (mit SCM und Alight)
- 2.: The Flow Customer Experience Day (Brussels) with Microsoft Belgium
- 25: Microsoft Teams Devices Battle: Teams UserGroup München
- 19. aMS Berlin (onsite): Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices for Hybrid Work: State of the Art
- 19.: IOM Summit (Shift/Work): Microsoft Teams & Microsoft Viva Updates with Alex Eggers
- 12.: Alex & Ragnar Show #76 The WiT Network: Women in IT 2022
- 4.-6.: M365 Virtual Marathon: Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices: State of the Art for Hybrid Work
- 3-4: M365 Summit: sichere Content Migrationen nach Microsoft Teams und Absicherung des Hybrid Modern Workplace mit Microsoft Cloud Security Stack und Quest & Microsoft Viva Updates + News
- 28.: Alex & Ragnar Show # 75 Compliance Update in Microsoft Teams (Shared Channels) mit Raphael Köllner
- 14.: Alex & Ragnar Show # 74 Automatisierte Kundenkommunikation mit Modern Lists, Microsoft Teams und Power Automate
- Teams Day Online 5 (Teams 10X): Microsoft Teams Devices for Hybrid Work – State of The Art
- 31: Gott Digital: lernOS vs WOL (Working Out Loud)
- 24: Audio Barcamp: Walkie Talkie bei Microsoft Teams als asynchrones produktivitätssteigerndes Kommunikationstool
- 23: Teams Nation: Protecting Microsoft Teams with Azure Sentinel against Cyber Security Threats
- 22: einfach M365 Power Week: Microsoft Teams Devices – State of the Art
- 16: IPI: Digital Workplace Practice Group: Citizen Developer
- 15: MSCCCH 03/2022 – Yammer und Power Platform + Microsoft Viva Connections + Topics Integration
- 8: International Teams Summit: Microsoft Teams Devices for Hybrid Work
- 3: Rechtssichere und effiziente Archivierung von Emails im MS Exchange Server und Office 365
- 17: Alex & Ragnar Show #70 – konsolidierte Aufgabenlisten / Task Management in Microsoft Teams
- 8: Microsoft Teams User Group Nürnberg Meetup: Automatisiertes Auditieren von Team Konfigurationen
- 03: Alex & Ragnar Show #69 zum Hybriden Arbeiten bei Mercedes Benz mit Microsoft 365 und Oliver Herbert
- 28: Microsoft Teams Community Day : Alex & Ragnar Show goes AltspaceVR + PLUS + Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices: State of the Art
- 20.: Hybrid Work Tour Erfahrungen / Microsoft Teams Devices: Bechtle Digital Learning Summit
- 20: Alex & Ragnar Show #67 mit Battle: Skybow vs Microsoft 365 Power Platform
- 13: Alex & Ragnar Show #66 with MVP Graham Walsh, NEAT, and Microsoft Viva Updates
- 04: Microsoft Germany Hybrid Work Tour + what is Microsoft Loop?
- 30: Alex & Ragnar Show #65 Bye Bye 2021 – Hello 2022! Finale mit Microsoft 365 Community Leads
- 28. LiveBarTalk: Jahresabschluß und Umtrunk
- 21. ACM Teams Europe – Modern Collab Platforms with Microsoft Viva Connections
- 9.: Alex & Ragnar Show #64 with MVP Darrell Webster about Microsoft Loop + Mr Power Magic
- 2.: Microsoft 365 User Group Berlin Meetup #16: Content Migrationen nach Teams: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- 2. Alex & Ragnar Show #63 zu Crestron Microsoft Teams Display Panels
- 29.-1.: European Collab Summit (Düsseldorf, Germany) – Quest Sponsoring
- 25: Alex & Ragnar Show #62 mit Power Apps Adventskalender (Microsoft Customer Success Team) + Microsoft Viva Connections Extensions
- 18: Alex & Ragnar Show #61 with Isabel De Clercq about Hybrid Work + Andreas Schlüter Power Automate Cases
- 17.-18: Teams Day Online 4 : SharePoint Modernization into Viva Experience
- 16.: aMS M365 Germany: Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices – State of the Art
- 12.: Alex & Ragnar Show #60 about Microsoft Viva and Microsoft Teams Rooms Ignite News
- 10.: IPI DWPG (Digital Workplace Practice Group) about People, Places and Processes
- 8.11.: Experten-Panel MS365 Security & Compliance with Raphael Köllner, SharePoint 360 Wolfgang Miedl and Powell Software
- 04.: Alex & Ragnar Show #59 zur neuen Jabra & Lenovo Partnerschaft & globalen hybriden Konferenzen
- 03.: Microsoft Ignite: Future of Work: Microsoft Viva Connections & Yammer (Altspace VR Experience)
- 28.: Alex & Ragnar Show #58 mit Microsoft Teams Buch von Sven Seidenberg & Matt Wade + Microsoft Viva Connections / Learning Updates
- 27.: M365 Talk with Michael Plettner and Thorsten Pickhan about Microsoft Viva
- 23.: CollabDays Benelux: Sponsoring
- 21.: Alex & Ragnar Show #57 mit Luise Freese + Carmen Ysewijn zur Microsoft Teams App ProvisionGenie plus Mr Power Magic
- 14.: Alex & Ragnar Show #56 mit Peter Claus Lamprecht, Anna Momber-Heers und Arik Jung
- 5.: M365 Circle Teams Summit: Microsoft Viva Learning Deep Dive & Experts Panel
- 30.: Prianto Webinar: Anstehende Migration im Microsoft 365® Umfeld? Kein Problem, wenn alles gut geplant ist. Wir zeigen wie es geht!
- 30. Alex & Ragnar Show #54 zu neuen Microsoft Surfaces Devices und Microsoft Teams Task Management
- 29.: nTeam Connect Hybrider Sommer Workshop
- 20..-24.: Alex & Ragnar & Microsoft & Andreas Schlüter & Sven Mahn – Hybrid Work Tour #VanLife365
- 22.: Bechtle Webinar: So gelingt die M365 Tenant-to-Tenant Migration
- PowerWeek September 2021 – Lernen mit | durch | über M365: Microsoft Viva Learning
- 10.: Corporate Learning Camp CLC21 Herbst: Microsoft Viva Learning
- 04.: Quest TEC 2021 “The Experts Conference”: Session about SharePoint Modernization with PnP Framework together with Paolo Pialorsi
- Windows 365 Cloud PC with Jörg Wunderlich (glückkanja GAB)
- Alex & Ragnar Show #48 mit Solutions2Share und neuen Microsoft Teams Apps
- Future of Modern Hybrid Workplace (BlueJeans by Verizon)
- Alex & Ragnar Show #47 mit Michael Praetorius zu Video Live Streaming + Microsoft Inspire Highlights
- Alex & Ragnar Show #46 mit Senja Lelic zu Visio + PowerBI Integration in Microsoft Teams
- Windows 11 Radio Show
- Alex & Ragnar Show #45 mit Thomas Winter, Microsoft Schweiz (FY22)
- Alex & Ragnar Show #44 mit Decision App für Microsoft Teams und Andreas Schlüter – Mr Power Magic
- Infinity 365 Conference (Vienna, Austria)
- lernOS Convention 2021: Microsoft Viva Learning
- Alex & Ragnar Show #43 with Elio Struyf about preventing information overload in Microsoft Teams
- IPI Event DWPG: Smart Solutions for your Digital Workplace: Microsoft Viva Learning
- SharePoint360-Expertenrunde: ‚Was kann Microsoft Viva? Einsatzszenarien der neuen Business-Plattform‘
- M365 Circle Summit: Moderating SharePoint Track
- Alex & Ragnar Show #42 mit Microsoft Teams Adoption Bot von Contexxt.AI
- Prianto Webinar: Quest M365 Multi Tenant Management + Migraton mit On Demand
- European SharePoint, M365 and Azure Conference
- Alex & Ragnar Show #41 mit nTeam zur Microsoft Teams App “simpleshow”
- Alex & Ragnar Show #40 zur Corona App für Schnelltests in Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft 365 Multi Tenant Management Monday – May 2021 Update
- Alex & Ragnar Show #39 zu Huddly Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices
- Teams Nation (AKA Teams Fest): Advanced Video Live Streaming Scenarios with Teams, NDI, OBS and Alex Egger’s new Studio
- Alex & Ragnar Show #38 zu Microsoft Mesh, Hololens mit Microsoft Teams (Christian Glessner, Christian Sailer)
- Microsoft Viva + SharePoint Syntex: IOZ Meetup
- Alex & Ragnar Show #37 mit MVP Hans Brender zum OneDrive Microsoft Teams Bot
- Alex & Ragnar Show #36 mit Michael Greth zu Outdoor/Indoor Live Streaming Setups mit Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Viva – Änderungen und Tipps für die interne Kommunikation (mit IPI und SCM)
- 1. Audio-only Barcamp: AI based Cloud Transcription Services
- Alex & Ragnar Show #35 mit Matthias Lücke von EPOS zu Microsoft Teams Rooms Lösungen wie EXPAND Vision 3T
- Wie lange kommen Sie ohne Ihr AD oder Azure AD aus? Quest Webinar mit Commasoft
- Roasting Session: Microsoft Viva – der nächste Hype aus RedmondIAMCP German Chapter eV
- Alex & Ragnar Show #34 mit Kai Lehnert & Jens Schneider von Poly und Mr Power Magic!
- TeamsDay Online: 10 reasons why we are not using Microsoft Teams for our weekly Teams VIdeo Live Show
- Global Azure Bootcamp Vienna (Austria): Quest Sponsoring
- Roasting Session: Microsoft Viva – der nächste Hype aus Redmond (Internation Microsoft Channel Partners)
- Alex & Ragnar Show #33 mit Eric Steger von AudioCodes
- Alex & Ragnar Show #32 mit Christian Spanik zu Video Content Produktionen und Andreas Schlüter zur Power Platform
- Global Microsoft MVP Summit
- SharePoint 20th Birthday
- Alex & Ragnar Show #31 with Karuana Gatimo – Microsoft Teams Adoption Portfolio
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (AK Frankfurt/Main): Zettelkasten Obsidian
- Alex & Ragnar Show with Cai Kjaer, CEO Swoop, about Microsoft Teams Collaboration Analytics
- Rechtssichere und effiziente Archivierung von Emails im MS Exchange Server und Office 365 (Quest Webinar)
- SharePoint Summit: Project Cortex ist tot -es lebe Microsoft Viva!
- Alex & Ragnar Show mit Andre Kiehne (Microsoft)
- Stories that Matters. Change Learning Camp: Storytelling with Digital Tools
- Alex & Ragnar Show zur Microsoft Ignite mit Christian Schacht (Redmond)
- Corporate Learning Camp: Podcasting mit Anchor.FM
- Microsoft Ignite: Microsoft Teams / Modern Work Ask The Experts (FS191, FS189,ATE-FS101-R1)
- Alex & Ragnar Show with Tendfor about Microsoft Teams Call Center Management
- INDEXDI 21: Better Together: M365 Modern Workplace and Working Out Loud
- Alex & Ragnar Show zu Microsoft Teams, Surface Hub 85, Lenovo ThinkSmartView Gewinnspiel und Power Magie
- Stbnhckr live mit Microsoft Teams und Microsoft Viva Integration
- Clubhouse Sesssion zu Microsoft Viva und Employee Experience mit Communardo (Pia Kaffka und Dr Peter Geissler)
- Clubhouse Session zu M365 Hacks mit GAB GlückKanja
- Alex & Ragnar Heil Show mit Franzi Stubbemann zu Microsoft Teams Change Management & Adoption + Microsoft Viva
- IOMTalk zu Microsoft Viva mit Björn Negelmann und Tim Miksa
- Alex & Ragnar Show zu Resilienz + Microsoft Teams mit Thomas Seliger 04.02.2021
- Reimagine the Employee Experience: Microsoft Event 04.02.2021
- Stbnhckr live: Microsoft Teams und Outlook + Chats auf Wiedervorlage
- Teams Community Day (Germany): Alex & Ragnar Moderation (Lunch) and After Show
- Teams Summit (remote): Quest Sponsoring and my session about M365 Multi Tenant Management
- Stbnhckr Video Live Stream 24.01.2021: Microsoft Teams Task Management mit Planner und Todo
- Alex & Ragnar Show Video Live Stream 21.01.2021 with Tom Arbuthnot about Microsoft Teams Roadmap
- Alex & Ragnar Show Video Live Stream 14.01.2021 mit Andreas Hennig (Microsoft): Persönliche Story Mobiles Arbeiten
- Stbnhckr Video Live Stream 10.01.2021 Microsoft News Teams bei Sascha Pallenberg und Karsten Lohmeyer
- Alex & Ragnar Show Video Live Stream 07.01.2021 mit Poly zu Microsoft Teams Video Konferenz Lösungen
- LiveBarTalk: Managed Services Glühwein
- SharePoint Summit (remote): SharePoint Modernisierungen: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream: Weihnachtsfeier und Jahresrückblick
- MS Cloud and Collaboration Community Hannover MSCCCH: Multi Tenant Management mit Quadrotech Nova
- Microsoft Deutschland: Teamwork Community Call: Microsoft Teams Migrationen, Management, Security with Quest
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream: Rene Schulz von Logitech zu Microsoft Teams Video Konferenz Systemen
- CollabDays Alps (remote): How to modernize SharePoint: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream mit Sebastian Kolberg von Bayer zu Microsoft Teams und eigene Change Reise
- Nintex SharePoint-Migration: Rundum-Beratung von A – Z
- aMS Azure, Microsoft 365 und SharePoint Community (remote): How to modernize SharePoint: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Top Five Ways to Prepare for Your Next Office 365 Tenant Migration
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream: Microsoft Teams Governance mit Powell Teams (Thomas Lorenz)
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream: Microsoft Teams Governance mit Solutions2Share (Christian Groß)
- Quest TEC The Experts Conference Conference (remote): “How to modernize SharePoint: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”
- University Lecture about M365 Migrations (organized by Microsoft Germany)
- CollabDays Benelux (remote): Quest Sponsoring
- Microsoft Envision Forum (remote): Quest Sponsoring
- Microsoft Teams Fest: NDI and Teams: Top 10 Use Cases for Video Live Streaming and Meetings (remote)
- North American Collab Summit (remote): Office 365 Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations
- Microsoft Ignite – online > Alex & Ragnar Live Stream
Microsoft Ignite Ask The Experts:
1) Employee Engagement and Communities in Microsoft 365 (OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, Yammer)
2) Embrace a New Way of Work with Microsoft
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream Microsoft Teams News 27.08.2020 with Pouneh Minovi Kaufman (MSFT Redmond)
- EuroTeams UG: Office 365 Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- #clc069 Corporate Learning Camp: Social/ Informelles Lernen am Beispiel von Microsoft Teams
- Hansevision CollabCamp: Microsoft Teams Governance
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream Microsoft Teams News 20.08.2020 mit Luise Freese
- Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream Microsoft Teams News 13.08.2020 mit Samuel Zürcher
- IOMSummit: Working Out Loud @ Scale (Video Live Stream)
- Microsoft Inspire – online > Alex & Ragnar Live Stream
- Digitaltag 2020: Microsoft Teams – mehr als nur Chatten, Meetings und Video Konferenzen (Video Live Stream mit Alex Eggers)
- nTeam Connect: (Berlin): Best Practises in consolidating and modernizing Office 365 Tenants
- Galactic Collab Summit – online: Challenges, recommendations and learnings when moving Office 365 Tenant-to-Tenant in M&A and Intelligent Workplace modernization scenarios
- Live Stream Enterprise Digital Arena #iomTalk Digitales Arbeiten mit Microsoft 365, Tipps und Tricks
- Meet and Stream (LinkedIn Event): Yammer and Microsoft Teams Best Practises for Video Live Streaming
- Microsoft Build Conference Recap: Microsoft Teams Highlights (with Alexander Eggers): Live Stream via LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter
- Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon remote : O365 Tenant to Tenant Migrations: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Teams Community Day Germany (online): Live Streaming with Yammer and Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Germany: Innovation Barcamp Business Applications
- Microsoft Collaboration Meetup München – Frühlingstreffen (online): O365 Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations with Quest OnDemand
- Security & Compliance Meetup zu Hybriden AD & Yammer (Quest, remote)-Raphael Koellner
- Microsoft Collaboration Meetup (remote): Office 365 Tenant-to-Tenant Migrationen: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- ShareCamp, Cologne (Germany)
- Virtual Collaboration Camp
- Hackathon of Germany`s Government “Wir vs Virus”. Result of my Home Schooling Working Group
- SharePoint Saturday Bremen (Germany): “Project Cortex: Wie das neue Knowledge Center Wissensmanagement in Office 365 “
- Quest Sales KickOff, Dallas (US)
- Microsoft Teams Community Day (Hannover, Germany): ” Hyper-Speed Content Migrations to Microsoft Teams based on Quest’s 5 Pillar of Migrations Best Practices”
- Microsoft Munich, Modern Workplace Council: Azure based Microsoft Teams Tenant-to-Tenant Migration
- Microsoft Teams Virtual Summit
- Working Out Loud UserGroup, Göttingen (Germany): Office 365 and Working Out Loud
- SharePoint UserGroup Utah: Webinar “Hyper-Speed Content Migrations to Microsoft Teams based on Quest’s 5 Pillar of Migrations Best Practices”
- European SharePoint Conference, Prague: Booth and Sponsoring
- Microsoft Ignite, Orlando: Sponsoring, Booth
- Working Out Loud Camp, Berlin: “Office 365 and Working Out Loud: when to use Yammer, Microsoft Teams and Kaizala and how to integrate them?”
- Knowledge Camp, Berlin: “Project Cortex: Wie Microsoft mit dem neuem Knowledge Center Wissensmanagement in Office 365 integrieren und mit Künstlicher Intelligenz anreichern möchte.”
- Office 365 and SharePoint Connect, Haarlem : Booth and Sponsoring
- Microsoft Teams Summit in Munich
- Quest X-Perts Day Eindhoven: Sponsoring & Conference Org
- SharePoint Saturday Stockholm: How to keep Control, simplify Microsoft Teams Management Tasks and increase Security, Governance and Compliance based on different personas?
- HanseVision Conference “HanseVersary”, Hamburg: Meet & Greet and Sponsoring
- Microsoft Digital Success Academy, Rome: Sponsoring, Booth and Session in Healthcare Track about Active Directory Compliance and Email Archiving
- Quest TEC Conference, South Carolina : 5 Pillars of Migration to SharePoint and Office 365
- MSInspire,Las Vegas: Sponsoring + Booth
- SharePoint Conference Netherlands in Vianen: Sponsoring & Booth
- SharePoint Conference Vienna: 5 Pillars of Migrating to SharePoint 2019 and Office 365
- nTeam Summer CONNECT Conference: Best Practises around SharePoint and Office 365 Migrations with Content Matrix
- SharePoint Saturday Cologne, Germany: Office 365 Workloads are increasing: How to keep Control, simplify Management Tasks and increase Security, Governance and Compliance in a Hybrid World?
- XING NewWork Event Munich: Zusammenarbeiten mit Office 365 und Working Out Loud. Ziele schneller erreichen durch vernetztes Arbeiten
- MVP Summit Seattle, US: Working Out Loud: Discover new way of achieving goals easier using Office365 + MicrosoftTeams
- Azure Cologne Meetup: Working out Loud with Office 365 (together with Räuberleiterin Luise Freese), hosted by DEVK Versicherungen
- MS Cloud and Collaboration Community Hannover: How to migrate, manage, protect, secure and increase compliance of Hybrid Modern Workplace with Quest
- Prianto Winter Conference (Kitzbühl, Austria): Overview Metalogix Portfolio about Migrations, Management, Security and Compliance of Hybrid Modern Workplace
- Prianto: Einführungswebinar zur Quest Akquisition von Metalogix – Migration nach Office 365, SharePoint 2019 sowie Steigerung des Sicherheit und Compliance des Hybriden Modern Workplace
- Zurich Event with Experts Inside: “How do you protect your Hybrid SharePoint & OneDrive Environment?”
- Quest Customer Advisory Board, Milan: Session about GDPR and Hybrid SharePoint
- GDPR Roadshow Munich :”Microsoft 365 and GDPR”
- GDPR Roadshow London: “Microsoft 365 and GDPR”
- MVP Global Summit Redmond: Tell Microsoft Anything about Microsoft Teams
- MVP Global Summit Redmond: How to migrate content to Microsoft Teams using Essentials for Office 365 by Metalogix
- GDPR and Microsoft 365. Webinar with Microsoft Germany
- How to archive Exchange based Emails GDPR compliant? Trust-in-Tech Meetup at Microsoft Germany
- Wrapup and Highlights of European SharePoint Conferene Dublin (Webinar)NovemberImpulstag: Digitalisierung (Christen in der Wirtschaft, CiW)
- Partner AvePoint Webinar: What`s new in Office 365?
- PepsiCo Digital Life Day: Office 365 Collaboration Suite and New Work
- Partner ADN Cloud Conference: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- Partner AvePoint Partner Forum: What`s new in Office 365 E5 + GDPR?
- O365 Security and Compliance Partner Airlift Munich: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- Partner BT Global Services Sales Summit: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- O365 Security and Compliance Partner University Munich: Organisation and Hosting
- Partner Glück + Kanja Microsoft Cloud User Group Stuttgart: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- Microsoft Germany: Ask the Experts Webinar about Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Germany Digital Workplace Day: Microsoft Teams, Yammer, Outlook Groups – when to use which tool?
- Microsoft Germany Virtual Conference about Future of Work: Microsoft Teams, Yammer and Groups
- Microsoft Germany CyberDefense Days for Partners Munich: Office 365 E5 Security, GDPR + Compliance
- Partner Comparex Partner Webcast: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- Partner Glück + Kanja Microsoft Cloud Customer Forum Essen: Office 365 E5 Security + Compliance + GDPR
- Learntec Stuttgart: Working Out Loud with Office 365 and Digital Transformation with Microsoft Cloud
- CeBit Hannover: 2 Panels: Change Management and Digital Transformation + Bots in Microsoft Teams
- Partner ADN Cloud Conference: Office 365 E5 (also GDPR)
- Virtual Conference from Microsoft Germany: Reinventing Office 365 Team Collaboration
- Microsoft Germany Office 365 Customer Club Munich: Microsoft Teams, Yammer, Outlook Groups – when to use which tool?
- O365 E5 Security and Compliance (GDPR) at Customer Roundtable for Partner nTeam
- 4 Webinar Sessions about FastTrack and Office 365
- Microsoft Italy: FastTrack and Office 365
- Microsoft Germany Social Business Customer Club Munich: Office 365 Collaboration Suite
- Microsoft Deutschland Partner Conference DPK: 1) Office 365 E5 Advanced Workloads 2) Enterprise Social with Yammer, Teams, Skype, Groups
- “SharePoint Sendung”: Office 365 E5 News and FastTrack Improvements
- “SharePoint Sendung” about Working Out Loud Community
- Office 365 Cloud Roadshow (Cologne with Partner Netmedia, Germany)
“When should I use which Office 365 Tool?”
- Office365 Conference (Cologne, Germany): “Launching Office365 and create a FastTrack Customer Success Plan”
- TechReady (Redmond, US): “How to create a successful Best Practice Office365 Adoption Plan?”
- Microsoft Ignite (Chicago, US): 5 ½ Ways to hack your productivity
- CeBit: 3 Panels at Cebit around Social Collaboration // Presentation about Enterprise Social Usage and Adoption
- Responsive Organisation Meetup in Berlin: Organisation and Hosting
- Microsoft Partner Conference (Bremen, Germany): FastTrack and Customer Success Plans: Sharing Best Practices // SharePoint & Yammer Integration: Best Practices
- Responsive Organization Meetups (Munich, Berlin, Hamburg): Organizing these events, KeyNote and Moderation
- Synopsis (Darmstadt, Germany): Yammer and SharePoint Integration
- CeBit (March 2014, Hannover, Germany): Enterprise Social – Die Arbeitsformel für Deutschlands innovative Zukunft oder unnötige Ablenkung im Unternehmen?