Pop Ups for SharePoint Online: Review of Power Popups by Apps365

Power Popups for SharePoint: New App365 Review 

We live in an attention economy and especially Internal Communications, Leadership,  Marketing or Enterprise Content Creators are seeking for new ways and approaches to get more awareness for newly published content.  In the past when using SharePoint on Premises Classic Sites we used SharePoint Modal Dialog (SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog) to create pop up windows. These days are…

Solutions2Share File Manager
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Microsoft Teams App Review: File Manager by Solutions2Share

If you are working in many Teams and collaborate on documents together then you might have experienced that it is not easy to find relevant documents again. Search of Microsoft Teams has improved significantly but end users, who are used to work in file shares, are sometimes disappointed when they don’t see a consolidated file…

⚡ Alex & Ragnar Show #68 Live Sondersendung zum TeamsCommunityDay 2022 ⚡
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Alex & Ragnar Show #68 Live Sondersendung zum TeamsCommunityDay 2022

⚡ Alex&Ragnar # 68 Sondersendung zum TeamsCommunityDay 2022 ⚡ Passend zum #TeamsCommunityDay am Freitag, 28. Januar 2022, haben wir mit den Organisatoren des Tages um 12 Uhr eine Stunde rund um die Konferenz “Von der Community – für die Community” geplant 🚀 🤩 Erfahrt alles Wichtige zu Insights, Rück- und Ausblicken und mehr von Doris…

Cirrus Soft Image Map for SharePoint
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Navigate easier through SharePoint with Image Maps

SharePoint has improved massively lately with top navigation, left Nav with favorite and recently visited sites plus the mega menus. Thanks to MVP Daniel Anderson I also know since today that you can show and hide your navigation in your SharePoint Team site. Looks good so far – we could be happy now! No, I…

Alex & Ragnar Show #57 21.10.2021
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Alex & Ragnar Show #57 mit Luise Freese + Carmen Ysewijn zur Microsoft Teams App ProvisionGenie plus Mr Power Magic

⚡ Alex&Ragnar # 57 mit Luise Freese, Carmen Ysewijn und Andreas Schlüter ⚡ 🚀 Frauenpower bei #AlexundRagnar: Am 21.10. sind um 21 Uhr Luise Freese und Carmen Ysewijn mit ihrer neuen App „ProvisionGenie“ für Microsoft Teams zu Gast und sprechen über die frisch entwickelte Anwendung 😎 Den zweiten Teil übernimmt wieder unser Mr Power Magic…

Easily reduce reverberation and background noise with new Descript Studio Sound

Easily reduce reverberation and background noise with new Descript Studio Sound

I am using Descript (a SaaS Transcription Tool by Andrew Mason (Ex-CEO of Groupon) and its team) to edit my podcasts and videos. No need to cut within audio waves, with Descript I can easily clean parts directly in text mode. Saves me times and improves quality because I am reducing filler words, ummh and…

Salesforce Integrations with Microsoft Teams
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Salesforce Integrations with Microsoft Teams : Live Demo

Q!kom (Andreas Rosen, Managing Director and Dominic Ley, Developer) are presenting new Salesforce`s integration within Microsoft Teams. Q!kom has also developed an integration of Microsoft Teams which lives inside of Salesforce – powered by Microsoft Graph API visit and contact Q!kom here Are you interested to learn more about Microsoft 365 integrations like SharePoint within…

„Alex & Ragnar Show“ #48 22.07.2021 mit Solution2Share Microsoft Teams Governance Apps
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Alex & Ragnar Show #48 mit Solutions2Share und neuen Microsoft Teams Apps

Themen am 22.07.2021: Wir freuen uns auf eine neue spannende Sendung Alex & Ragnar am Donnerstag, 22. Juli ab 21 Uhr mit Christian Groß (CEO Solutions2Share) und Florian Pflanz (Head of Sales, Solutions2Share) . Sie stellen uns ihre brandneuen Microsoft Teams Apps vor, die Management mit externen Usern und SharePoint Mega Navigationen / schnelle Intranet…

„Alex & Ragnar“ #44 24.06.2021 mit Microsoft Teams Decision App
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Alex & Ragnar Show #44 mit Decision App für Microsoft Teams und Andreas Schlüter – Mr Power Magic

Die Themen am 24.06.21: Wir freuen uns auf Markus Furchner, Sales Lead DACH bei Decisions in Oslo, der uns am 24. Juni in der Sendung besucht Den zweiten Part der Show übernimmt unser Mr Power Magic Andreas Schlüter und präsentiert Euch wieder einen Best Practice Case aus dem Alltag des #M365 Zu gewinnen gibt es…