Why I am now managing my Tasks with To-Do in Office 365
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Why I am now managing my Tasks with To-Do in Office 365

Although I started using a paper book for Bullet Journaling a year ago (thanks to Steve Ngyuen from Yammer) and read Ryder Carrolls`s Bullet Journaling Method I am still using To Do Apps. My favorite App since many years is Wunderlist after I stopped working with Outlook Tasks because of missing mobile App. So why…

SharePoint Roadmap Pitstop: December 2018
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SharePoint Roadmap Pitstop: December 2018

Podcast with Mark Kashman and Sean Squires (Senior program manager SharePoint engineering team) about site and page designs approaches. Lots of branding and templating improvements mentioned in the Blogpost as well. Don’t miss to learn more about large amount of roadmap items Personalized web parts are one of my highlights. Users can see recent documents,…

Find out which Yammer Posts are negative using Microsoft Flow, Power BI and Azure Cognitive Services – code free!
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Find out which Yammer Posts are negative using Microsoft Flow, Power BI and Azure Cognitive Services – code free!

Maybe you are moderating a Yammer Group and don’t have time to scan and read all postings but want to make sure that you are aware of all negative comments? This code less solution based on Microsoft Flow, Power BI, SharePoint Lists and Azure Cognitive Services can help you. Find full Blogpost by Chris Borlik…

New Book about Enterprise Social Networks: Vernetzt Arbeiten: Soziale Netzwerke in Unternehmen
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New Book about Enterprise Social Networks: Vernetzt Arbeiten: Soziale Netzwerke in Unternehmen

Isabel De Clercq´s Book \”Connect. Lead. Share. Social Technologies in Business\” is now published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch into German. My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365, describing several use cases.   

Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

John Stepper`s Official Website including Blogposts, Videos like TEDx Speech, Link to his Book and free Circle Guides. John Stepper on Twitter Wikipedia Site in German German speaking WOL Community Twitter German WOL Community Yammer Group for WOL Community, helpful to host private circles Ragnar Heil: #WOLWeek 2016: Working Out Loud (WOL) mit Microsoft Teams,…

Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud
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Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud

Anchor is a mobile App which broadcasts your voice, music and conversations for free, easy to share anywhere, in other social networks. It`s a bit like micro podcasting (because each episode is limited to 5 minutes) with advanced feedback capabilities because listeners can call-in with audio comments (max 1 minute). As a station owner you can…