Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud

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By Ragnar Heil

Anchor is a mobile App which broadcasts your voice, music and conversations for free, easy to share anywhere, in other social networks. It`s a bit like micro podcasting (because each episode is limited to 5 minutes) with advanced feedback capabilities because listeners can call-in with audio comments (max 1 minute). As a station owner you can decide if you want to publish this audio call-in to your station, so that everybody can hear it or keep it private. You can also add your favorite songs or music which can add value to your spoken content with Spotify integration. Nice sound bites help to seperate smaller episodes.


I have a registered a profile at Anchor in their launch week but started using it actively since I connected to Gerhard Schroeder and learned how he works with it. He and many others are using Anchor as a communication and dialog tool to share everyday what they are working on. It`s a lot about giving insights into their day, what they want to achieve, which questions they have and also where they are currently struggeling. You can easily hear in their voice in which mood they are which is much easier for me to get an idea how important the current topic is for their life. Gerhard has introduced me to a few wonderful people, I have connected with them of course directly at Anchor. I really enjoy learning new things, meet new people and support others. I also receive lots of good feedback to my contributions and using this voice-focused App helps me to improve my rhetorical skills.

As you can see, all main elements from John Stepper`s Working Out Loud Approach are covered.


The Value of Anchor can only be experienced by connecting to new people (because your family, friends and colleague might not use Anchor) and share insights into your day in a routine and daily habit. It could be that the Alexa and Google Home Integration help to get a better access to Anchor but only very few Stations about Silicon Valley Tech, Sports and Politics are currently ready to be enabled in Voice Assistants. (I have contacted Anchor because their Skills are not available yet at Amazon Germany).

Now I am curious to hear your thoughts about this approach!

If you want to read and connect:

How I helped to build Germany`s WOL Community
My 3 Articles in German
Our German Twitter Account
Our German Website
Yammer Community



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