Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

John Stepper`s Official Website including Blogposts, Videos like TEDx Speech, Link to his Book and free Circle Guides. John Stepper on Twitter Wikipedia Site in German German speaking WOL Community Twitter German WOL Community Yammer Group for WOL Community, helpful to host private circles Ragnar Heil: #WOLWeek 2016: Working Out Loud (WOL) mit Microsoft Teams,…

Plantronics Stereo Bluetooth Headset Voyager 8200
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Review: Plantronics Stereo Bluetooth Headset Voyager 8200 UC. Can it beat it the lower priced BackBeat Pro 2?

Thanks to Plantronics I can share my experiences and impressions about Voyager 8200 UC (Unified Communication) which is a Stereo Bluetooth Business Headset including boomless Microphones. It was launched at Microsoft Inspire Conference July 2017 and is Skype for Business certified – compared to its little brother BackBeat Pro. I am also explaining more differences…

Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud
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Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud

Anchor is a mobile App which broadcasts your voice, music and conversations for free, easy to share anywhere, in other social networks. It`s a bit like micro podcasting (because each episode is limited to 5 minutes) with advanced feedback capabilities because listeners can call-in with audio comments (max 1 minute). As a station owner you can…

Buchrezension \”Digitales Dilemma\” von Bert F. Hölscher

Buchrezension \”Digitales Dilemma\” von Bert F. Hölscher

Bert F. Hölscher (Jg. 1965), führte als digitaler Pionier den Otto Konzern bereits zu Beginn der 90er erfolgreich in das digitale Zeitalter. In der New Economy brachte er zahlreiche Startups erfolgreich an die Börse und gründete mit der European Web Alliance das erste internationale Start-up Netzwerk in Europa. Hölscher arbeitete viele Jahre als Vorstandsmitglied in den Hochburgen…

IFA 2017: my Product Highlights of the Consumer Electronics Fair
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IFA 2017: my Product Highlights of the Consumer Electronics Fair

Yesterday I have visited IFA Fair in Berlin with my son and good friends and want to share my personal highlights: Microsoft I haven`t visited the leading Games Conference GamesCom last week, so I took the opportunity and played a few new Games for the new XBOX X coming out this fall. Mixed Reality was…