Top 10 Gotchas of M365 Copilot
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Top 10 Gotchas of M365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities

Microsoft 365 Copilot, a groundbreaking AI-powered assistant, has been generally available for nearly half a year, and its popularity continues to grow. However, as organizations delve deeper into the capabilities and implications of this innovative tool, several potential pitfalls and risks have come to light. Gartner’s team of experts has conducted extensive research over the past few months, working closely with organizations that are actively piloting M365 Copilot. The result is the latest Gartner report, “Top 10 Gotchas of M365 Copilot,” which sheds light on the critical issues that companies must consider when evaluating, piloting, and scaling their M365 Copilot deployments.

The Importance of Change Management

One of the key findings from Gartner’s research is the unexpectedly high level of change management effort required for successful M365 Copilot implementation. Organizations must be prepared to invest significant time and resources in training, communication, and support to ensure employees can effectively leverage the tool’s capabilities while mitigating potential risks. As businesses assess the value and feasibility of M365 Copilot, it is crucial to factor in the change management aspect and develop a comprehensive plan to address the unique challenges posed by this cutting-edge technology. Gartner for Technical Professionals clients can access the full report below, which provides detailed insights and recommendations to help navigate the complexities of M365 Copilot and maximize its potential benefits while minimizing risks.

Top 10 Gotchas of M365 Copilot
Access the Gartner Report here

Find more about Rencore Governance and Copilot here

Rencore Gartner Report Top 10 Gotchas for M365 Copilot
Top 10 Gotchas of M365 Copilot 4

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