SharePoint Lookbook: Examples of Modern Intranets
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I get a lot of value from these SharePoint Lookbook Templates -especially in my customer and partner workshops – and their features:
- Leadership Connection with Leadership news, events, engagement
- The Perspective with News, video, personalized content
- Crisis Communications with Announcements, news, resources, communities and calls-to-action (very relevant for Covid-19 communications)
- News site: The Landing with News, resources, personalized content
- Benefits: News, resources, actions
- Workshop training site with Informative and action-oriented
- Global marketing hub with Branded news, resources, and events
- Human resources hub with Employee-focused news, resources
- Retail Operations with News, activity, discovery
- Global sales hub with News, activity, discovery
- Microsoft 365 learning pathways with Training, Learning, Adoption
- Workplace Transformation site with Inform, guide, engage
- New employee corporate onboarding site with Engage and inform new employees
- SharePoint Success Site with Inspire, Train, Adopt
How can we get the site design scripts for these sample site designs available on SharePoint lookbook?
Sad, not for the SharePoint 2019 OnPrem!