My journey to SharePoint Influencer by “Working Out Loud”
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Isabel De Clercq´s Book \”Connect. Lead. Share. Social Technologies in Business\” is now published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch into German. My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365, describing several use cases.
Quest Metalogix Essentials for Office 365 can support your migration to SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and OneDrive by providing Pre Migration Analysis Reports. Find out which issues you might face before starting a migration and mitigate them quicker. Live Comparison between SharePoint Sites can help you to find missing content, documents and files. Metalogix Essentials for…
2019 NEW BLOG with updated calendar: June SharePoint Conference Vienna May SharePoint Saturday Cologne, Germany: 5 Pillars of Migration: Sharing Best Practises to migrate from multiple content sources to Hybrid M365 Modern Workplace (submission in progress) April XING NewWork Event Munich: Zusammenarbeiten mit Office 365 und Working Out Loud. Ziele schneller erreichen durch vernetztes…
I am using Instagram on a daily level – not only because I like sharing of my photos which matter to me but also because of its rich filters and editing capabilities. So what about SharePoint, how can images and photos be transformed there without the need of jumping to Photo Editing Tool outside of…
Am Tag der Veröffentlichung im August 2019 stellte mir Pia Kleine Wieskamp ihr neues Werk \”Visual Storytelling im Business\” (Amazon Affiliate) als Rezensionsexemplar zur Verfügung. Dieses Buch steht in der würdigen Nachfolge ihres Vorgängers \”Storytelling: Digital -Multimedial – Social: Formen und Praxis\”. Ich werde beide Bücher hier nicht vergleichen, sondern beschreibe die für mich wichtigsten…
I think it is fantastic how you show how to practically work with WOL. That it’s not just an abstract construct but something to really use.
thank you, Barbara! your comment means a lot to me