BDS-Frühjahrswochenende 2018 Digitalisierung und Sozialwissenschaften
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BDS-Frühjahrswochenende 2018 Digitalisierung und Sozialwissenschaften

Vom 15.-17. Juni 2018 fand in Fröndenberg an der Ruhr die Frühjahrstagung des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Soziologinnen und Soziologen e. V. statt. Ich bin sehr gerne angereist, habe mich nicht nur auf ein Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten sehr gefreut, sondern fand Gefallen am Leitthema, das ja eines meiner Lieblings-und Schwerpunktthemen darstellt. Agenda und Programm kann man…

Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

Blogposts and Resources about Working Out Loud #WOL

John Stepper`s Official Website including Blogposts, Videos like TEDx Speech, Link to his Book and free Circle Guides. John Stepper on Twitter Wikipedia Site in German German speaking WOL Community Twitter German WOL Community Yammer Group for WOL Community, helpful to host private circles Ragnar Heil: #WOLWeek 2016: Working Out Loud (WOL) mit Microsoft Teams,…

Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud
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Why Anchor is a helpful new Tool for Working Out Loud

Anchor is a mobile App which broadcasts your voice, music and conversations for free, easy to share anywhere, in other social networks. It`s a bit like micro podcasting (because each episode is limited to 5 minutes) with advanced feedback capabilities because listeners can call-in with audio comments (max 1 minute). As a station owner you can…

My Conference Talks, Lectures and Webinars
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My Conference Talks, Lectures and Webinars

2019 NEW BLOG with updated calendar: June SharePoint Conference Vienna May SharePoint Saturday Cologne, Germany: 5 Pillars of Migration: Sharing Best Practises to migrate from multiple content sources to Hybrid M365 Modern Workplace (submission in progress) April XING NewWork Event Munich: Zusammenarbeiten mit Office 365 und Working Out Loud. Ziele schneller erreichen durch vernetztes…

my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead
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my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead

I am excited to see that I have contributed to a new book by Isabel de Clercq called \”Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead\” . My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365. Amazon Shopping Links: Kindle and Paperback Launch Event, Video from Antwerp (Belgium) Review…