Mevo Multi Cam Video Livestream EOA29
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EOA29 | Mevo Multi Camera Livestream

Multi Kamera Video Livestream ein viel besseres und professionelles Video produzieren mit einem Multi Kamera im Livestream – doch wie geht das und welche Lösungen gibt es denn auf dem Markt?Freut euch auf den Experten Austausch mit Detlev Artelt, Michael Reischer, Roman Rackwitz und als Gäste Ragnar Heil und Michael Greth – wie immer am…

New Mevo Go App includes screen sharing and your Smartphone to your multi-camera mobile streaming setup
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New Mevo Go App includes screen sharing and your Smartphone to your multi-camera mobile streaming setup

Why another Mevo App? In my last Blogpost about my mobile video streaming and recording setup – Logitech Mevo Cams – I described new capabilities around Picture-in-Picture Mode. This popular new feature seems to be complete but could be enriched by embedding your video into a PowerPoint Slide (similar to PowerPoint Cameo) or into WebPage….

Logitech Mevo Cam supports Picture-in-Picture with Multicam App
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Logitech Mevo Cam supports Picture-in-Picture with Multicam App

Create compelling multi-camera content with 3 wireless live-streaming cameras which also support NDI and can record video on a SD card (Mevo Start Pack at Amazon Affiliate) Today, August 24th 2022, Logitech has released a preview of their Android App for Multicam (iOS App following ASAP) with these new features in V1.5 (328): Picture-in-picture Add…