Summary of Interview with Meta, an Augmented Reality Glasses Company
my summary of Robert Scoble`s interview with Meta, published at LinkedIn
my summary of Robert Scoble`s interview with Meta, published at LinkedIn
read this blogpost here at Medium
find my blogpost here at LinkedIn
I blogged at LinkedIn about my experiences
Over the next days I am going to collect statistics about my 2015. Let`s start with Spotify: 2285 Songs from 908 Artists: 16,000 Minutes of … Read more
Hier findet Ihr den Test bei MobileGeeks
Read my full blogpost here
Please find the interview Simon Terry did with me here
Die LowCarb HighFat Ernährungscoachin Kathrin Köhler hat mich zu meiner Ernährungsumstellung interviewed. Aber lest selbst!
meine Lieblingstorte hat ihren Namen von meiner Oma bekommen. Lest hier weiter: