Building A Successful Large Cross-Enterprise Working Out Loud Community
Please find my Blogpost for WOLWeek 2017 here
Please find my Blogpost for WOLWeek 2017 here
Find my Contribution to Blogparade #NewWork here
Hier eine Übersicht über Panels und Interviews, an denen ich teilnehme
I had the chance to play around with Xiaomi Mi Band 2 for a day, so I want to share my impressions and compare this Chinese Fitness Tracker to a more expensive one, Garmin Vivosmart HR+ (186€ compared to 21€), which can be compared due to same form factor and feature set. I am going to…
We are excited to spend Christmas, New Year´s Eve and first 2 weeks of 2017 in Australia! I haven´t visited this amazing continent since 1988 and 1989, so I really want to catch up with old friends, refresh memories, show my wife and kids this Great Southern Land. Photos are published on Instagram and lots is…
Last week I had a dream where a gadget showed me a mediocre Fitness Level and I also noticed it after closing my outdoor swimming pool season. I really care about listening to my dreams, so I am thankful that Jabra has given me a test sample of Sport Pulse. I can listen to my favorite…
here you can find my Blogpost
Auf der DPK 16 in Bremen (18.-19.10.2016) freue ich mich auf viele Meetings mit meinen Partnern und präsentiere auf diesen Sessions: Mi, 19.10.2016: 10:30 – 11:30 Partner 4.0: von Arbeitslasten zu Arbeitsentlastung mit Office 365 (mit Ellen Kuder) Mi, 19.10.2016 : 15:45 – 17:00 Yammer, Skype und Office 365 Groups: Welche geschäftlichen Mehrwerte für unsere Kunden…
After my MOOV died I noticed that I am not so motivated anymore to do long swims and keep it as my weekly practise. So my search for a new fitness device started again and I found the iHealth Wave which costs officially 79,95 € but I got it for 66,95€. The mirror-effect dial bracelet…
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