SharePoint Hub Sites – new visual helps to explain better
Patrick Feninger has developed a visual which explains how to compare SharePoint Hub Sites to SharePoint Sites, Apps and Services. Download them here
Patrick Feninger has developed a visual which explains how to compare SharePoint Hub Sites to SharePoint Sites, Apps and Services. Download them here
Project Cortex is dead – Viva Microsoft Viva! I am going to take the reader (who understands German) to a journey which started 2 years ago when Microsoft announced Project Cortex. In this article which was published in bi-yearly magazine of Society for Knowledge Management (GfWM) I showing you latest development from Project Cortex…
Topics:– Pouneh Minovi Kaufman, from Microsoft Redmond, she was responsible for the Teams adoption at Microsoft itself.– Ragnar shows how to use newest and free SharePoint Templates from Lookbook as a Teams App– we have look at the upcoming European Teams events– and you can win a Poly Voyager 4210 or a #Teamsplayer T-Shirt Use…
Why another Blog? It all started under bright 🔆 🇪🇸 Spanish Sun, reviewing my 2018. I am very grateful for this year in all different levels of my life which really matter for me like family, health, job and purposeful living. But – I blogged far too less here in my main blog. I usually write about different topics…
Ob nach Konzernfusion (Merger & Aquisitions), CarveOuts, Diverstures oder Abteilungsalleingängen – das Nebeneinander mehrerer Microsoft-365-Instanzen (Tenants) ist keine Seltenheit. Das Migrieren von Microsoft 365 Tenants erfordert zunächst die Verwendung eines Tools. Wenn Sie einen Migrationsprozess starten, ist es wichtig zu wissen, welche Tools Sie benötigen. Sie sollten diese Tools verwenden, bevor Sie eine Migration versuchen,…
Quest has released Metalogix Essentials for Office 365 V2.1.6 yesterday, find full Release Notes here. Quest Essentials is a Management Suite for Office 365, offers like a Swiss Knife several different capabilities. It can migrate content and manage users, content and licenses on Office 365 using a single unified platform. Utilize on-the-fly remediation and conversion…
Find my presentation at Galactic Collaboration Summti in July 2020 here: On Demand Migration Quickly and safely migrate directories, mailboxes and shared data from one Office 365 tenant to another with instant coexistence. With On Demand Migration, you can accelerate your project by identifying potential issues early, plan and automate your move while also monitoring…