Alex & Ragnar Show #87 : Power Platform Governance Lösungen von Rencore
Power Platform Governance Lösungen
Power Platform Governance Lösungen
Themen am 08.07.2021: 🎉 Šenaj Lelić ist Microsoft MVP, Geschäftsführer der OneAssist GmbH und spricht am Donnerstag, 8. Juli ab 21 Uhr über das Thema “Business Intelligence meets Operational Intelligence”: Visio und Power BI Better Together in Microsoft Teams 🚀 Den zweiten Teil übernimmt unser Evergreen Mr Power Magic Andreas Schlüter mit praktischen Tipps und…
Our Show is always very interactive and we include and discuss all comments which arrive through various Social Media Channels. Agenda for Alex & Ragnar Show Microsoft Teams Show 17.06.21: Elio Struy, Microsoft MVP and Founder of Squarl, a brandnew Microsoft Teams for sharing, filtering and searching Bookmarks, Links and Content. We are discussing information…
Microsoft announced has announced a fresh new look for Power BI and I want to share my highlights here: Contact data now visible as well as useful metadata like “last refresh date” New vertical navigation helps to jump to other reports easier and reduces clicks Lighter color scheme with new icons Simplified action bar with easier…
Wow! I have to admit that I wasn’t aware that Gardner is positioning Power BI as leading solution for Business Intelligence since 12 years. Congratulations to Microsoft and their partners! Stay tuned for product news also from Quest around Power BI.
Maybe you are moderating a Yammer Group and don’t have time to scan and read all postings but want to make sure that you are aware of all negative comments? This code less solution based on Microsoft Flow, Power BI, SharePoint Lists and Azure Cognitive Services can help you. Find full Blogpost by Chris Borlik…