Salesforce Integrations with Microsoft Teams
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Salesforce Integrations with Microsoft Teams : Live Demo

Q!kom (Andreas Rosen, Managing Director and Dominic Ley, Developer) are presenting new Salesforce`s integration within Microsoft Teams. Q!kom has also developed an integration of Microsoft Teams which lives inside of Salesforce – powered by Microsoft Graph API visit and contact Q!kom here Are you interested to learn more about Microsoft 365 integrations like SharePoint within…

Automated SharePoint Integration in Salesforce
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SharePoint Integration in Salesforce -automated powered by Microsoft Graph

I know Andreas Rosen (Founder and Owner of Q!kom GmbH) since many years. We usually talked about advanced Outlook Calendar Solutions  “OnTime” which are especially helpful for Personal Assistants who need to look into many calendars. Now I am very impressed and excited that our conversations about possibilities and strength using Microsoft Graph are bringing…

Delve Office Graph

Automatisiertes Wissensmanagement? Microsoft startet Delve

Zuerst erschienen im PR Blogger Microsoft will das tägliche Informationsmanagement verbessern. Ab dem 15. September 2014 können Unternehmen die neue Microsoft-Anwendung „Delve“, die Content aus der Software Office 365 für den jeweiligen Nutzer nach Priorität filtert und ansprechend aufbereitet, einsetzen. Doch welchen Mehrwert kann „Delve“ in dieser Kombination dem einzelnen Mitarbeiter im Arbeitsalltag tatsächlich bieten? Den…