Fiesta Mayor in El Vendrell (Katalonien, Spanien)-Reisebericht über traditionelles Volksfest

Fiesta Mayor in El Vendrell (Katalonien, Spanien)-Reisebericht über traditionelles Volksfest

Seit langem habe ich mich auf diese dreiwöchigen Sommerferien in Spanien gefreut! Ich bin in El Vendrell, einer Stadt im Süden Barcelonas mit 36.000 Einwohnern, nur 3 km vom Mittelmeer entfernt, so gut wie zu Hause. Meine Frau stammt daher, meine spanische Familie wohnt dort und im Umkreis und die Anzahl meiner Besuche sind >40….

Review of Telephone + Music Loudspeaker Jabra Speak 710
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Review of Telephone + Music Loudspeaker Jabra Speak 710

when I was away on a Business Trip my 12 year old son made a review of Jabra Speak 710, a telephone conference system which includes microphones and loudspeakers. Connection to PC/Mac/SmartPhones/Tablets can be made using Bluetooth and USB. Siri, Cortana and Google Now are also integrated and if you use 2x Speak 710, then…

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

I am a passionate user of Headphones and HiFi Systems but didnt`t have a chance to test a DAB Radio yet. So I was excited to get a review sample from Tivoli Audio from their Art Line called \”Model One Digital\”. My device came in  stylish wooden \”black ash\” color, \”walnut/grey\” and \”white/grey\” are also…

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

I am a passionate user of Headphones and HiFi Systems but didnt`t have a chance to test a DAB Radio yet. So I was excited to get a review sample from Tivoli Audio from their Art Line called \”Model One Digital\”. My device came in  stylish wooden \”black ash\” color, \”walnut/grey\” and \”white/grey\” are also…

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

Review of Radio Tivoli Audio \”Model One Digital\”

I am a passionate user of Headphones and HiFi Systems but didnt`t have a chance to test a DAB Radio yet. So I was excited to get a review sample from Tivoli Audio from their Art Line called \”Model One Digital\”. My device came in  stylish wooden \”black ash\” color, \”walnut/grey\” and \”white/grey\” are also…

My Conference Talks, Lectures and Webinars
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My Conference Talks, Lectures and Webinars

2019 NEW BLOG with updated calendar: June SharePoint Conference Vienna May SharePoint Saturday Cologne, Germany: 5 Pillars of Migration: Sharing Best Practises to migrate from multiple content sources to Hybrid M365 Modern Workplace (submission in progress) April XING NewWork Event Munich: Zusammenarbeiten mit Office 365 und Working Out Loud. Ziele schneller erreichen durch vernetztes…

Review: 4 weeks with wireless InEarBuds Jabra Elite Sport (Headphones)
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Review: 4 weeks with wireless InEarBuds Jabra Elite Sport (Headphones)

I want to share my experiences with wireless Sport Headphones called “Elite Sport” which I could test over the last 4 weeks thanks to Jabra.  Let me start by explaining why I wanted to test them (see headlines) and jump right into the evaluation: Easy Setup and reliable Bluetooth Connection Elite Sport came already charged,…

my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead
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my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead

I am excited to see that I have contributed to a new book by Isabel de Clercq called \”Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead\” . My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365. Amazon Shopping Links: Kindle and Paperback Launch Event, Video from Antwerp (Belgium) Review…