New Book about Enterprise Social Networks: Vernetzt Arbeiten: Soziale Netzwerke in Unternehmen
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New Book about Enterprise Social Networks: Vernetzt Arbeiten: Soziale Netzwerke in Unternehmen

Isabel De Clercq´s Book \”Connect. Lead. Share. Social Technologies in Business\” is now published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch into German. My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365, describing several use cases.   

my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead
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my new book: Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead

I am excited to see that I have contributed to a new book by Isabel de Clercq called \”Social Technologies in Business: Connect, Share, Lead\” . My chapter deals with the Digital Transformation at Telefónica Global using Yammer / Microsoft Office 365. Amazon Shopping Links: Kindle and Paperback Launch Event, Video from Antwerp (Belgium) Review…