Understanding social innovations – Sociology Conference BDS (Berufsverband Deutscher Soziologen)

Understanding social innovations – Sociology Conference BDS (Berufsverband Deutscher Soziologen)

Starting 12.June 2015 Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (IWAK), is hosting for 3 days a Sociology Conference from Germany`s Sociological Assiociation for Professionals: BDS. Find Agenda here I am going to live blog speeches and workshops which I have joined, so this blogpost might not be complete when you read it. Mrs Prof Dr Birgit Blättel-Mink:…

Manel Soria

Visiting Spanish Painter Manel Soria & his beautiful women

Today while I am on vacation in Spain I was visiting the Catalan Painter and Artist Manel Soria Segura in El Vendrell, Baix Penedes. You can find his official website and more information about him and his paintings here: http://manelsoriasegura.com and Instagram I am familar with his work and paintings since 15 years, so I…