Buchrezension: \”Visual Storytelling im Business\” – Wirkungskraft nach 1 Jahr
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Buchrezension: \”Visual Storytelling im Business\” – Wirkungskraft nach 1 Jahr

Am Tag der Veröffentlichung im August 2019 stellte mir Pia Kleine Wieskamp ihr neues Werk \”Visual Storytelling im Business\” (Amazon Affiliate) als Rezensionsexemplar zur Verfügung. Dieses Buch steht in der würdigen Nachfolge ihres Vorgängers \”Storytelling: Digital -Multimedial – Social: Formen und Praxis\”. Ich werde beide Bücher hier nicht vergleichen, sondern beschreibe die für mich wichtigsten…

Review of budget USB Microphone TONOR TC-777 with GoPro Hero 9 Black

Review of budget USB Microphone TONOR TC-777 with GoPro Hero 9 Black

2 days ago my new GoPro Hero9 Black has arrived and immediately I have evaluated how well it works as a Webcam, please check my Blogpost here which covers installation and configuration of additonal utility I was very surprised to find out that internal microphone of GoPro9 can\’t be used in webcam mode and external…

Howto use GoPro HERO9 Black as Webcam and for Video Live Streaming

Howto use GoPro HERO9 Black as Webcam and for Video Live Streaming

Yesterday my new GoPro HERO 9 Black Action Cam has arrived and after first tests on my Mountain Bike to check out how 5k Videos and Hypersmooth 3.0 (can we already burn our gimbals?) works I went deeper into webcam and live streaming mode. Webcam Setup First of all you need to download the beta…

Microsoft Ignite Video Live Stream Alex & Ragnar

Video Live Stream zur Microsoft Ignite 2020

⚡”Alex & Ragnar” Sondersendung zur Ignite am Dienstag um 17 Uhr⚡ Zur Microsoft Ignite haben wir drei Experten*in eingeladen, um mit Ihnen und Euch gemeinsam die Keynote von Satya Nadella und Jared Spataro zu schauen. Mit Corinna Lins, Michael Plettner und Thorsten Pickhan diskutieren wir im Anschluß die gezeigten Themen. Das Ende ist für 19:00…

Virtual Meetings with Canon EOS Webcam Utility Software: Launch of the Full Production Version for Windows

Virtual Meetings with Canon EOS Webcam Utility Software: Launch of the Full Production Version for Windows

With over 700,000 downloads after launching the beta version of the software in April Canon has launched the full production for Windows in GA now. Find out here if your Canon camera can be used for Video Live Streaming or Video Conferences and virtual meetings: This software works best with tested Communication systems like: Customers…

Alex & Ragnar Video Live Stream zu Microsoft Teams News 17.09.2020: Teams macht Schule

Microsoft Teams News: Teams macht Schule

Die Themen am 17.9.20: Alex Eggers zieht ein Resumeé aus der Initiative “Teams macht Schule” mit Sven Mahn und Andreas Schlüter Ragnar zeigt neue Produkt Updates rund um Microsoft Teams EDU dazu haben wir wieder die aktuellen Community Events wir verlosen einen höhenverstellbaren Tisch mit eingebautem Kabel Management von Actiforce wir streamen nach: Twitter Alex…

Yammer post on behalf of someone else

Yammer Roadmap: Post on behalf of someone else – Interview with Melanie Hohertz, Avanade

‘Impersonation’ happens to be one of the highly-requested features (Uservoice) in the Yammer Roadmap. Now it is currently in development and listed in the official roadmap, Microsoft will let Yammer users post on behalf of other users by December 2020. In an interview with Melanie Hohertz (US Midwest Region Modern Workplace Transformation at Avanade) we…

Sennheiser MKE 200

Sennheiser MKE 200: new compact budget microphone for Vloggers and Video Geeks

Today Sennheiser has announed a new compact microphone called \”MKE 200\” which helps videographers to bring their moving images to life much more quickly and easily with high-quality sound. It can be used with a DSLR or mirrorless camera and easily with a SmartPhone- just using the 3.5mm Audio Jack. MKE 200 is equipped with…